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brand innovation

Please keep in mind, I do not own the rights to any of the work done at GALLO. All assets are property of the GALLO Winery corporation and their respective brands/affiliations.


ViBE by Vendage is looking to expand it presence and become more relatable and relevant to the Gen-Z audience who is able to drink. With this, we were tasked to brainstorm and come up with new strategies the brand could take and implement in the future. 

Two designers were selected to design for this project. All work below are my own designs (unless stated), that I brought to the team.

Creative Activation Director: Marcella Oglesby

Designers: Bekah Van Vilet, Felicity Andrews

Account Executive: Lexa Freitas

Research & Moodboard

We began the project with doing research on ViBE's competitors and noticing what those brands were doing. Each of us also created a moodboard in the direction we could see ViBE going in the future.


Bin Structures

The main goal of the bin structures was to start a conversation with the ViBE brand team and align with them on expanding the look and presence of ViBE.

Additional Explorations

Since the conversation with the bin structures went well, the Brand team allowed us to explore further on ViBE. We created territories that ViBE could take in the future and put together moodboards and other graphics for the team to get visuals. I worked with Bekah Van Vilet to find imagery for the moodboards.

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